I am a Certified Life and Weight Loss Coach, Certified Personal Trainer, and Health Coach. As a Behavior Change Specialist, I help you discover what is keeping you from your health and weight loss goals. Together we develop a personalized strategy that doesn’t involve suffering and misery.
- Improving health after the age of 50 while keeping fun and joy in our lives.
- Meeting you where you are in your health journey and starting there.
- Making big life changes one small step at a time.
Learning and sharing all the latest science on what to eat, how to move, and what’s going on in our brains.
What I’m NOT About:
- Deprivation, short-term solutions or quick fixes.
- Generic plans that do not take into account a person’s individual circumstances, health considerations, preferences and personality.
- Weighing food, counting calories or points.
- Beating ourselves up for our human imperfections.
- Comparing ourselves to others or some made-up media vision of what we should be.
My Program:
I offer a 6-month program where I work closely with a limited number of clients individually.
Click the button below to schedule a complementary health consultation. We can discuss your specific goals and struggles, and talk about personalized strategies for you.