
If you are reading my blogs as they come out, just before Christmas you should have learned why I think planning is important.  Then the week following, I gave you instructions to create a vision board that can be a useful tool to help you plan.  In that …

2020 Vision Board

If you like what you did and got the results that you wanted in 2019, do exactly the same thing again. If you want new results, you’re going to have to do different things. Defining exactly the result you want …

Why bother planning?

Planning may seem like a boring topic.  It may feel simple and obvious as a tool for weight loss, but so many of my clients are resistant to the whole concept of planning.  They tell me that they don’t want …

What is Normal?

I was talking to a client recently about passing up the breadbasket when she is eating dinner at a restaurant.  She said to me, “I just want to be able to eat like normal people.”  This really got me thinking. …