If you are reading my blogs as they come out, just before Christmas you should have learned why I think planning is important.  Then the week following, I gave you instructions to create a vision board that can be a useful tool to help you plan.  In that blog I shared a few skills to add to your ‘how” section – a list of all the ways you plan to achieve your 2020 vision. 

Whether you made a vision board or not, these are skills that I think we need for weight loss (or any other big goal).  You might have just skipped over this part thinking it was some coaching blah blah blah, but they are critical skills to have. I am going to go into these skills in more detail the next few weeks to try and explain their importance.  Today, I am going to start with courage

Change is scary.  Our natural instinct, especially when it comes to change is fear. Our brain is trying to keep us safe and wants everything to stay the same.  All change requires some kind of loss.  Maybe loss of the life and habits you have established over many years.

Change requires overcoming old belief systems.  It requires you to become someone different, and know that an “identity crisis” can be part of the process.  You have to let go of who you were, to become who you want to be. 

If you want it to feel easy and comfortable, it may be very hard for you to evolve.  The emotion of courage does not feel as good as the emotion of ease or comfort.   Maybe you actually do want sameness? It’s comfortable.  Ask yourself that question, and be truthful here.  There’s nothing wrong with wanting that, just don’t pretend that what you want is change, when really what you want is comfort. 

If you set a big goal, it will demand commitment, which will take courage until you develop the skills you need.  The 4 C’s Formula by Dan Sullivan describes how commitment takes courage to develop capability to grow our confidence.  Be courageous and start working towards your goals.


1 Cor 16:13  “Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong.” 

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