I was going to title this blog, “I am not worried about the virus”, but I was discouraged from doing that – it was insensitive. It made me think about all the different emotions people are having about the impact of this virus and how we should be accepting of them all. It’s okay to be calm about the COVID-19 virus.  It is also okay to not be calm.  It is your choice – don’t decide what you want to feel based on what others are feeling.  There is no right way or wrong way to think or feel about this situation.  What we want to be aware of, is how we are reacting to our feelings and what actions we are taking because of them. You are still in control of what you think, what you feel and what you eat.

I do realize that this is a serious situation, but I am not overly concerned about the virus. 

Maybe these are the reasons:

1) I think of myself as healthy.  Even though I am very close to the age of 60, the age that the media is calling elderly, (SO RUDE!), I think you can be very healthy at any age.  If you don’t consider yourself healthy, let’s use this moment as a wake-up call and get to work on that today.  It is the perfect time to start becoming a healthier version of you.

What to do:

  • Get outside where the germs won’t get you and take a walk.  I noticed that nature is just rolling on with Spring and isn’t even aware of the virus.
  • Step up your consumption of fruits and vegetables.  They are full of antioxidants that can help strengthen your immune system.

2) I have learned how to mostly manage my mind and not believe everything that my brain tells me.

What to do:

  • Limit the time you are watching or reading about this virus.  Once or twice a day will keep you fully informed and keep you from spending too much brain power on it.
  • Evaluate the stories your brain may be telling you about this situation.  Look at the facts and see where you may be creating unnecessary drama and anxiety. Remember that stress can compromise your immune system.
  • Keep the thoughts that cause you to be practical and prepared.
  • Get rid of the thoughts that make you feel panicked or out of control. They are not useful and may cause you to want to eat or drink something unhealthy to make those feelings go away.

3) And of course, I know Who is in control.

Isaiah 41:10   “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”

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