Forget ‘go big or go home’ and go small instead.

If you have been reading my blogs for the last few weeks, I have been talking a lot about foundational concepts that are essential for making weight loss last forever.  The most important thing you can know is that you change fastest when you feel good, not when you feel bad.

But today, it’s time to quit reading and start doing. 

Just knowing the information, reading my blog and consuming all the weight loss information out there doesn’t create any change for you. (But please don’t stop reading my blogs!) Having a great foundation of thought processes and self-awareness is so important, but equally important is to actually start changing what we do.

I have studied behavior modification for many years and one proven method that works with our human psychology to effectively change our behavior is small steps.  Starting with very small habits and building on them is the best way to achieve long term habit change.

I don’t know exactly what habit you would like to change or add, but it should be personal and valuable to you! Below are three examples to help you develop your own small steps.

For attitude and beliefs –

When your feet hit the ground each morning as you get out of bed, say something to yourself like:

“It’s going to be a great day” or

“I am so grateful for this day” or

“Today’s gonna be awesome”

Say this even when you don’t believe it.  Even if it is colonoscopy day.  You can add words on those days to make it more believable if you want to, like:

“It’s going to be a great day… somehow”

This is one habit we should all start tomorrow if you aren’t already doing it. Keep doing this every day and see how you develop a positive attitude that comes naturally and effortlessly.

For a sugary snack addiction:

Replace one sweet treat that you have often with something else.  Make sure it’s something that you like – it doesn’t have to be a piece of celery!  Frozen grapes work great for me, for example. After you have successfully eliminated one undesired snack, then replace another…(It’s important to note, having a “sweet tooth” is not a character flaw or some intrinsic part of who you are, sugar is addictive!)

If you want to start regularly walking:

Put your walking shoes on.  Put them where you have to see them at the time you want to walk. Don’t even insist to yourself that you have to walk in the beginning.  Odds are if you put the shoes on, you will go out for at least a few minutes.  Commit to putting your shoes on at the desired walking time every day and start there.  Build on that habit by committing to 5 minutes of walking until you feel comfortable with that, then continue to add as you are ready.

Hopefully this blog gets you thinking about a small step you can start right away. You can do small steps undercover; no one needs to know you’re doing them, and the risk of failure is low. You might have stumbles along the way, but that’s not a failure, that’s just part of learning a new habit. The small steps don’t require a lot of motivation or willpower which we know is not always available. If you would like some help designing your small steps, email me at: or set up a free mini-coaching call by clicking the button below.

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