This is a short blog, but one with a powerful tool. It’s called the Focus Question.   

When you begin something new like working to change your eating habits, it’s important to focus on one thing at a time.  I had a client recently that wanted to work on two issues – her job and her weight.  

But instead of encouraging this, I made her pick one. If you’re really going to make even one big transformation, you need a lot of focus. That’s where the Focus Question comes in.

You can use the Focus Question for any goal you have in your life, including weight loss. First decide what you’re trying to accomplish. Let’s say for example, your goal is to lose that last 10 pounds. The filter question is, “Does this action help me reach that primary goal, or not?” 

Before you eat or take action, ask yourself, “Will this help me lose the 10 pounds?” Then answer yourself – yes or no. If it’s no, don’t eat it! It’s as simple as that. 

This tool helps me focus and prioritize the major things I want to accomplish. At most, I have two big things going at once, but when I focus on just one, I see the best results. I ask myself focus questions continuously, and it keeps me from wasting time, and establish new processes in my life.

Time is precious, so don’t waste it due to lack of focus. 

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