I went to my coaching mastermind in Dallas last week and I learned so much from the amazing coaches there. We did a little peer coaching during the event. (Did I ever mention that I try to get coached every single week.  Our brain never goes on vacation and never stops messing with us!)  Anyway, I did get coached by my amazing colleague, Courtney, and for some reason this is what it sounded like to me: “why? WHY? Why? Why? why?”.   I know there were many more words from her, she is very smart.

The coaching was actually so helpful that I pondered it quite a bit afterwards. I was thinking what a valuable question Why is, especially in weight-loss.

We tend to want to know the What (to eat), the When (should I eat) and the How (do I prepare my food, shop, eat out…).  When really, the most important question is Why.

Why do you want to lose weight?

Answer this fully and honestly and you will have your inspiration and motivation.

Why do you eat things that are not on your plan?

Ask yourself this every single time you veer off plan and you can start to see your habits and emotional eating patterns.  This is essential for us to be able to change.

Try asking yourself why some this week, you might find the answers interesting and helpful.

FYI – Courtney is a Certified Life Coach who earned a Master’s Degree from Harvard studying psychology, neuroscience, and positive conflict.  She specializes in helping men with anger issues that they would like to resolve.  If you know anyone who needs this kind of help, she is the best, email me at robin@robinola.net and I will give you her contact info.

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