As I think about this new website, I have lots of thoughts like: “Age 57 is too old to start blogging!” and “Who on earth will ever read this?”.

I know that is just a made-up story I’m telling myself. 

What are some stories you are telling yourself about you and your weight?

“I will go on a diet after my trip/company/event”

“I’ve never been able to keep the weight off before, why would I now”

“I don’t want to feel deprived”

“I love food too much to change”

“Parties without food or drinks are just not fun”

Any of those sound familiar?  They are poison to weight loss.

Consider that they are not true.  Maybe we have just said them so many times to ourselves that we think that they are facts. Start questioning your stories. They can cloud the way you live your life and they are optional.

Let’s write some new stories that get us moving forward to a better self. It’s everything.

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