I lost a friend this week due to COVID-19.  Although I hadn’t seen her since we moved a few years ago, hearing the news felt like a punch in the gut, and that feeling is still with me.  She was an amazing person that I greatly admired.

It’s one of those events that has really got me thinking about what is important; I’m sure you’ve had moments like this as well.

What really does matter to you? I have been pondering that and for me, it is basically relationships. My relationship with God, my family, my friends and myself.  I have to ask myself if how I am living my life each day is reflecting what is most important to me.

As a weight loss coach, I wonder, “Does losing weight even matter?”  I think it still does and here’s why. Beyond the health benefits, the process of lasting weight loss requires us to look at what we are doing in great detail.  This awareness can be life changing.  It can expose our relationship with ourselves like nothing else.  Being aware and intentional with each moment we are given is worthwhile.  Are we living the life we want to?

If we are over-eating or over-drinking to our detriment, finding out WHY is the only way to stop. Discovering “the why” can shine a light on parts of our life that we might be trying to escape by over-indulging.  Shouldn’t we make our lives exactly as we want on purpose, so we don’t need an escape?

I can’t change the loss of my friend.  I do get to choose how I want to change because of it.  Let’s not let life just happen to us, instead try to be fully aware and awake to each moment that God given us.

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