Do you think that suffering is a required part of weight loss? I once did, and I see that mindset in clients often.

We sometimes grab onto this all-or-nothing, going-on-a-diet mentality when we feel out of control, and convince ourselves that it is the only way to get back on track.

The truth is, all-or-nothing diets almost never work long-term. We can only be restricted for a certain amount of time, and then we rebound.

Temporary actions lead to temporary results.

I know you have heard all of this before – so what do we do instead?

Here’s the secret: we have to actually like the lifestyle we create in order to keep doing it.  It sounds simple, but it’s true and essential.

What is the healthiest life YOU – individually – can personally enjoy right now?  That’s what we have to figure out and establish.

As a first step, I’d like you to sit with this thought – suffering is not required, and it’s not the answer.

This takes a second to process. My challenge to you is to really live with this realization until it’s something you truly believe.

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