I had a funny conversation with myself the other day.  I ate a cinnamon roll along with the thought, “I deserve this”.  Looking back now, I’m amused.  What on earth did I think I had done to deserve it?  Living through a pandemic (like every single other person on this planet)?  Having to change some plans (okay, people are dying, have lost their jobs and way worse)?

Oh my!  What interesting things our brains come up with.  I am pretty sure there is nothing going on in my life that would make me “deserve” a cinnamon roll.  It’s really absurd.

Those of you that have worked with me know that I like living in a 80/20 balance (80% healthy, 20% not so much). Although my cinnamon roll fit into my 20% of unhealthiness, I don’t want to make it some pretend reward.

I know for sure that my brain is going to present “I deserve this” again.

My goal is to chuckle at myself and then make the decision to have it or not, knowing that I didn’t do anything to deserve it.  I am just going to take responsibility for my choice without the comedy.

Anybody else out there ever think you “deserve it”?

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