I was trying to explain to someone what it is that I do today. After giving my elevator speech, she responded with, “Oh, so you’re like an accountability coach!”.

I attempted to explain to her how I was not, in fact, an accountability coach. Maybe my speech needs a little work, I decided.

But after giving that conversation some additional thought, I realized what it was that felt so wrong about that classification.

I don’t teach accountability, I teach self-accountability.

Self-accountability is simply who you are and what you do when no one is watching.

Have you ever made a diet plan, just to find yourself ignoring the plan and overindulging because you thought no one was around to see you do it? Guilty as charged. Most of us go through life overeating and thinking “no one is watching”.

But the thing is, someone is ALWAYS watching. YOU are. Whether you want to admit it or not, you always know what you are doing or have done with your food.

The real trick to weight loss is learning how to “watch yourself” and being okay with it! It’s understanding that YOU are the most important person watching.

You can’t escape yourself. You might try, but you can’t.

So rather than working so hard to run from yourself with food, why not channel that energy into paying attention and practicing accountability with yourself?

The answer to that question will say a lot. You’ll either hear your fears that are keeping you stuck, or your motivation to move forward.

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