My client told me that she blew it. She told me that she ate and drank completely off her plan the day before. She said, “I just didn’t feel like doing it, my friend was in town and I just wanted to have fun with her”.  I am not anti-fun or against having a good time with our friends.  I am also not opposed to occasionally being spontaneous.


Sometimes I see this thought process as a pattern, not a rare occasion.

Here is a secret to losing weight. While you are changing habits and learning new skills, you have to do it, even when you don’t feel like doing it.

If you were a mom and your baby woke up hungry in the middle of the night, you probably didn’t feel like getting up and feeding her, but did you?

If you went to college and you had an exam, you most likely didn’t feel like taking that exam, but did you do it anyway?

Do you have this type of mindset around your health goals? Tap into that feeling like when your baby was crying.  You just did it, there was no drama, no excuses and no negotiating with yourself. 

Let’s talk about the times when you “just don’t want to” and how to keep your commitments to yourself.  Schedule a free coaching call with me.

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